hello & welcome

Jacqueline Belle Fleur Photography is the work of Jacqueline Gedonius. She is a NJ based photographer specializing in newborns, children, maternity and families. She photographs on location throughout the state and in her studio in Cranford.

Adam & Eve Inspired Maternity Session – The Cromarties

The Cromarties’ maternity session (which you got sneak peeks at here and on Facebook and Instagram) was probably the most stressful but also most rewarding one ever. Terricka and Antonio, I’m so proud that we pulled this off!

We had originally planned to do an Adam and Eve inspired shoot for Terricka’s previous pregnancy with their twins, but the babies arrived two days before our scheduled session. I was super bummed we didn’t get to do it because I loved the idea so much. So when she told me she was expecting another baby, I knew we had to go for it. I’m not so sure Antonio was that thrilled though!

I’m kinda shy when it comes to sharing (and being on camera), but I have to share the story of all we overcame during this photo shoot. First, it started to rain, which wasn’t in the forecast. We were on a two-hour delay due to hair and make-up, and when you’re a photographer counting on natural light that’s quickly disappearing … GAH!!!

The USA Network crew of about 25 people was there filming (no pressure!), so I had a mic on my butt (it fell down my back into my pants — no joke), and I was pretty sure this session was bound for disaster. Then Terricka shared that US Weekly wanted the images to publish. I think I might have started to cry a little because I felt like everything was going downhill fast. But when you have two amazing clients who roll with the punches, trust you, and are amazingly photogenic, you do all you can to save the session. I’d say we succeeded!

The Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity sessionThe Cromarties' maternity session

Dominic of Rizzo’s Wildlife was my calming force whose awesome sense of humor helped ease my nerves. He also managed to make Alora, the beautiful 50-pound boa constrictor, look a little more pliable than she was. We had wanted to use a smaller python, but New Jersey laws wouldn’t allow it. I won’t get into all the details, but there were lots of conversations with NBC and the state. Safety first! Terricka wasn’t the least bit concerned about the larger snake though — she loves animals and reptiles. Nothing was going to stop this fearless mama! Antonio, however, never warmed up to the snake — in that last shot, he was just thrilled it was over!

Special thanks to my friend and CrossFit partner Isabel for helping me out. You make a great photography assistant!

Did you miss The Cromarties on USA Network? No worries, the first season is streaming now! You can find me on Episode 3 (The Snake Maternity Session at the beginning of the show, and The MetLife Football Session at the end of the show), and on Episode 6 (The Birth of Jhett Paxton).

What an amazing experience — thank you Terricka and Antonio Cromartie!

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