Happy Easter Everyone! Or as I love to say during our Easter Sessions, Hoppy Easter! I love the Easter holiday and weekend. It brings Spring and so much new. The buds, blossoms, fresh grass, and warmer sunny days. And you know what that means? It’s time for Spring photos.
This is the first year that I have not offered the Easter Bunny Sessions and it really makes me sad. These sessions are among my very favorite to capture. Nothing like bunny snuggles. If I get enough inquiries and demand, I just may bring them back next year. But for now, enjoy the adorable pics from last year and have a wonderful holiday weekend.
We had the most adorable, sweetest and loving group of bunnies for the sessions. Mr. Buns was the star of the photos and he loved the kids. Hoppy Easter!!
Find more Easter photos here.
I love Janie and Jack for Easter clothing.