hello & welcome

Jacqueline Belle Fleur Photography is the work of Jacqueline Gedonius. She is a NJ based photographer specializing in newborns, children, maternity and families. She photographs on location throughout the state and in her studio in Cranford.

Category Archives: seniors

Karli – Sneak Peek | NJ Senior Photographer, NJ Grad Photographer

Well, I might as well call this sneak peek #1 – these photos from tonight’s senior session just leave me breathless.  I’m going to post as I edit.  What a dream session.  An absolutely gorgeous girl, in a great urban and beach setting, and all the right senior sass and style.  Love it!  Thank you...

sigh… | NJ Family Photographer, NJ Grad Photographer

my niece just leaves me speechless.  I love her so…from the family session on the beach in RI.  Looking forward to sharing the rest (under orders from my sister to not give anything away that’s on her holiday card – rats! – how do I sit on these…they are gorgeous!?!?).  

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