hello & welcome

Jacqueline Belle Fleur Photography is the work of Jacqueline Gedonius. She is a NJ based photographer specializing in newborns, children, maternity and families. She photographs on location throughout the state and in her studio in Cranford.

Category Archives: first birthday cake smash

Alice – Happy 1st Birthday! | 1st Birthday Cake Smash Photographer

Meet my new neighbor Alice!  How lucky am I that this little cutie pie lives across the street?  Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Girl!   And, another thank you to Kimmy from Kimmy’s Kakes for another fabulous cake! For more information regarding 1st Birthday Cake Smashes, please email me at jacqueline@jacquelinebellefleur.com or visit cake smashes.  ...

Alex | 1st Birthday Cake Smash

Sweet little Alex just wanted to share her cake!  Happy First Birthday Alex!  Thank you Kimmy from Kimmy’s Kakes for another delicious smash cake!  For more information regarding cake smashes, please visit investments or email me at jacqueline@jacquelinebellefleur.com.

Happy 1st Birthday Emma | NJ Cake Smash Photographer

Well, 1st Birthday Cake Smashes don’t get any more perfect than this!  Happy 1st Birthday beautiful Emma!  I’m not sure who had more fun.  Once again, a big thank you to Kimmy from Kimmy’s Kakes for another deliciously beautiful smash cake!  For more information regarding cake smashes, please send me a note on my contact...

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